How to Apply: Summer 2025

We are hiring 2nd year Law Students for the summer of 2025. The 2nd year student hiring process will commence with the opening of the viLawPortal on Monday, July 22, 2024.

The application deadlines vary by law school. Please consult with your career development office for application deadlines.

We will be conducting virtual "On-Campus Interviews" (OCIs) in September. As at today's date, the plan is to conduct virtual OCIs on the following dates, which are subject to change and will be updated accordingly:

  • September 12 – University of Alberta; and
  • September 13 – All other schools

Second interviews will take place in early October and will be held in-person in our Edmonton office. The exact offer date is to be confirmed.

Please submit your application through the online viLawPortal, which is accessible via our website. When applying through viLawPortal, once logged into the system, you can choose to apply to Bennett Jones' Edmonton office. We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email.

Applications should include:

  • Cover letter (please address your cover letter to Mathieu LaFleche)
  • Résumé
  • Undergraduate transcript(s) - a photocopy of an original transcript is acceptable
  • Graduate transcript(s), as applicable - a photocopy of an original transcript is acceptable
  • Law school transcript - a photocopy of an original transcript is acceptable
  • Reference letters (optional)

For the summer of 2024, we hired 4 summer students.

Our students have prepared a guide to the application and interview process. We invite you to review the guide as it may answer many of your questions.

Recruitment for 1st Year Summer Student positions will occur in February 2025.

Work Assignment/Rotation System

We believe that the summer is a time for you to experience as much, or as little, of a practice area as you desire. As a summer student, you are free to work deeply in an area of your choosing or accept work from multiple areas.

During articles, we employ a rotation system. In our Edmonton office, you will spend six months in our advocacy department (focusing on general litigation matters, commercial litigation, construction litigation, medical malpractice, occupational health and safety laws, administrative/ tribunal work, bankruptcy and insolvency and labour and employment), and six months in our business department (focusing on mergers and acquisitions, securities, banking, structured finance, real estate, construction law, energy law, transportation law, technology and IP).

Mentoring System

Each summer student is assigned a mentor who is an associate. The role of the mentor is to act as your host and introduce you to the firm and to assist with your workflow and work assignments.

Each articling student is assigned one principal (a partner) and one mentor (an associate) whose job it is to help you integrate into the firm and assist with your workflow and file management. In order to provide you with as much insight into the firm as possible, your principal and mentor will practice in different areas (one in business law and one in advocacy).

Professional Development

Through our own Bennett Jones Academy, we offer a series of in-house seminars and programs to supplement your articles and your summer experience. Your ongoing professional development is a priority. This begins with an in-depth orientation and continues with regular programs designed to build your practice management skills and provide you with introductions to specific practice areas. We also encourage our students to attend BJA sessions designed for associates.


We recognize that feedback is essential to your development. Our articling/summer students receive regular informal feedback from assigning lawyers, principals and mentors and also receive formal reviews during the summer and during each articling rotation.

Social Events

Our students are encouraged to take part in social events at the firm. Our events focus on our commitment to the community and building lasting relationships amongst the students. Past events have included BBQs, associate and practice group dinners, office retreats, and a family ski weekend in the Rocky Mountains.

Start Dates

Summer Program

Our summer program typically runs from early May to the end of August. Our 2025 summer students will join us in early May 2025.