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Speaking Engagements
Shanghai Conference 2009
December 02, 2009
Presented "The Practical Considerations for Going Public in Canada" and panellist for "How to Enter Canadian Capital Markets" at the Shanghai Conference 2009 sponsored by the Global Chinese Financial Forum in Shanghai, China.
OBA Class Action Colloquium
December 01, 2009
Michael Eizenga is a panellist for, "Recent Developments in Securities Class Actions," at the 2009 OBA Class Action Colloquium (December 2009).
Fraud Law Recovery Seminar
November 26, 2009
Steve Major and Steve Robertson present a Fraud Law Recovery Seminar to the Financial Executives International (Canada), an all-industry professional association for senior financial executives, at the Westin Hotel, Calgary, AB.
TRLabs Partner Series
November 10, 2009
Martin Kratz presented "Legal Issues for Small Companies" during the TRLabs Partner Series.
2009 Pension Fund Invitational Forum
November 05, 2009
Susan G. Seller presented on a panel regarding Funding and Solvency Relief at the 2009 Pension Fund Invitational Forum sponsored by the Northwind Professional Institute at Langdon Hall in Cambridge, Ontario.
Health IT Session: IT Procurement Best Practices
November 05, 2009
Card, Duncan. Guest Speaker, "Health IT Session: IT Procurement Best Practices" International Technology Law Association's Annual European Conference, Brussels, Belgium, November 5, 2009.
LES Session
November 05, 2009
Martin Kratz presented "Cleantech Licensing Issues" at a US and Canada LES session in Calgary, AB.
The Ultimate Corporate Counsel Webinar
November 05, 2009
At this event, Barry spoke about legal developments and challenges facing corporate counsel. This was a live webinar event sponsored by CCH Canadian Limited and Canadian Corporation Counsel Association.
Stem Cell Network Annual General Meeting 2009
November 01, 2009
Ciara Toole is a plenary speaker at the Stem Cell Network AGM in Montreal, Quebec and presents "Stem Cell Tourism: The Patient's Online Perspective”, co-authored by Ciara Toole, Christen Rachul, Amy Zarzeczny and Timothy Caulfield.
The Director's College - October 2009
October 30, 2009
Susan G. Seller presented on "The Director's Role in Pension Governance" at The Director's College, co-sponsored by the Conference Board of Canada and the DeGroote School of Business of McMaster University, in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
Pharma Patents – 8th Annual Forum
October 29, 2009
Cutting Edge Legal Analysis To Strengthen Your Pharma Patent Strategy - Coming Clean on Disclosure: What You Need to Know About Recent Developments in the Law
Osgoode Professional Development's 5th Annual Essential Course on Pensions
October 27, 2009
Susan G. Seller presented at a panel entitled "Working with Defined Contribution Plans and other Capital Accumulation Plans: Current Legal Issues" for the Osgoode Professional Development's "5th Annual Essential Course on Pensions".
Managing the Liability Risk of In-house Counsel
October 21, 2009
Jeff Leon leads this Federated Press sponsored course (October 21-22, 2009) on liability issues that require the awareness of in-house counsel. Topics of the course include proper documentation management, ethical issues, insurance protection, reporting rules and responsibilities, and conflict management. The course will be held at the Metropolitan Hotel in Toronto, ON.
The Economic Edge 2009
October 21, 2009
At the Economic Edge '09, Defining Strategies to Secure Canada's Global Advantage, Michael Kergin is a member of the panel in session 3 at 10:30 am, "Keys to a Thriving Global Economy: Expanded Trade vs. Protectionism." The conference is a full-day event hosted at the Metro Convention Centre in Toronto, ON.
I.E. Canada 78th Annual Conference
October 19, 2009
At I.E. Canada's annual conference, Darrel Pearson presented, "Best Practices in Trade and Customs," a lecture on Canada's trade opportunities in Europe.
Toronto Conference 2009
October 16, 2009
Moderator of panel discussion on "The Resources Industry and the Capital Markets: Trends, Outlook and the Growing Chinese Influence" at the Toronto Conference 2009 sponsored by the Global Chinese Financial Forum in Toronto, Canada.
Climate Change Risks and Opportunities: North American Climate Change Update - Calgary
October 15, 2009
Bennett Jones LLP is hosting the seminar, “Climate Change Risks and Opportunities: North American Climate Change Update,” moderated by Michael Kergin and with guest speaker Kenneth Berlin of Skadden LLP. The seminar will be held at Bennett Jones' Calgary office, located on the 45th floor of Bankers Hall East, 855 2nd Street SW.
Climate Change Risks and Opportunities: North American Climate Change Update - Toronto
October 14, 2009
Bennett Jones LLP is hosting the seminar, “Climate Change Risks and Opportunities: North American Climate Change Update,” moderated by Michael Kergin and with guest speaker Kenneth Berlin of Skadden LLP. The seminar will be held at Bennett Jones' Toronto office client centre, located on the 34th floor of First Canadian Place, 100 King Street West.
International Bar Association 2009 Annual Conference
October 09, 2009
At the IBA 2009 Annual Conference in Madrid, Claire Kennedy is a panelist during the session, "A Manual for Migrating Corporate Intangibles (and Can Governments Cope?)."
The Canadian Institute's Managing Social Media Conference
October 06, 2009
Martin P.J. Kratz will be co-chairing the Canadian Institute's Managing Social Media conference. In addition to co-chairing the event, Martin will take part in "Privacy and Disclosure Minefields in Social Media: Identifying and Overcoming the Key Issues and Challenges.” The event will be held at the Sutton Place Hotel in Toronto, Ontario.
Alberta Real Estate Forum
October 01, 2009
Blair Yorke-Slader was a featured panellist speaking on real estate insolvency issues at the Real Estate Forum (Calgary).
The Toronto Conference 2009
October 01, 2009
Panellist for discussion on "The Resources Industry and the Capital Markets: Trends, Outlook and the Growing Chinese Influence" at the Toronto Conference 2009 sponsored by the Global Chinese Financial Forum in Toronto, Canada.