LESA's New Alberta Rules of Court November 2010
November 01, 2010
Gallagher facilitates the presentation of the New Alberta Rules of Court for the
Legal Education Society of Alberta (LESA).
Accessing India: A Focus on Foreign Direct Investment and Mining
October 27, 2010
Kasi Rao and Eden Oliver moderate panels at Accessing India: A Focus on Foreign Direct Investment and Mining, hosted at the Toronto office of Bennett Jones. Accessing India is a roundtable discussion led by business leaders with a proven track record of success in India and other thought leaders focusing on the things foreign investors in India should know.
2nd Essentials of Commercial Contracts Course
October 15, 2010
Stephen Burns and Sebastien Gittens co-lectured a 2nd
Essentials of Commercial Contracts Course, " Drafting Rights,
Obligations, Exclusion & Limitation Clauses."
Access Asian Capital Forum 2010
October 15, 2010
Presented "Analysis of the Different Capital Market Vehicles and Structures for Cross Border Deals - Direct Equity Investment" at the Access Asian Capital Forum of the Toronto Conference 2010 sponsored by the Global Chinese Financial Forum in Toronto, Canada.
Conducting Internal Investigations: Canadian Institute Conference Workshop
October 05, 2010
Lincoln Caylor, with Art Goguen of Baker, Bertrand, Chassé & Goguen Claim Services Limited, presents the half-day interactive workshop, "Conducting a Fraud Investigation,"on the final day of the Canadian Institute's Conference on Conducting Internal Investigations (October 5-7, 2010) in Toronto, ON.
International Bar Association 2010 Annual Conference
October 05, 2010
At the International Bar Association's 2010 Annual Conference in Vancouver, Claire Kennedy co-chairs the panel "Current Transfer Pricing in a Global Supply Chain".
LESA's New Alberta Rules of Court October 2010
October 04, 2010
Gallagher facilitates the presentation of the New Alberta Rules of Court for the
Legal Education Society of Alberta (LESA).
CN Trade Relations Forum
September 30, 2010
At the Western Centre for Economic Research's CN Trade Relations Forum, John Weekes presents " Canada's International Trade Agenda: Alberta's Interest and Influence".
CBA Civil Litigation Subsection Presentation
September 28, 2010
For the Civil Litigation section of the Canadian Bar Association, Munaf Mohamed and Michael Mysak present, "You Can't Always Get What You Want: Extraordinary Recovery Remedies in Civil Litigation," in Calgary, AB.
Class Actions Litigation Conference
September 28, 2010
Michael Eizenga presents, "Determining Evidentiary Requirements for the Certification Hearing," at the Canadian Institute's Class Actions Litigation - Managing Litigation Complexity and Planning Strategy Through Trial.
Construction Law Primer
September 28, 2010
Geoffrey Stenger presents, "Construction Liens and Trusts," at the Construction Law Primer event held at the TELUS Convention Centre in Calgary.
The Institute of Internal Auditors 3rd Canadian National Conference
September 26, 2010
Lincoln Caylor presents, "Best Practices for Internal Auditors Investigating Fraud," at the Institute of Internal Auditors 3rd Canadian National Conference (September 26-29, 2010) at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel in Vancouver, BC.
Emerging Trends for Investors
September 22, 2010
As part of the Pre-conference Investor Session of the Banff Venture Forum, "Emerging Trends for Investors: Challenges and Opportunities for Today's Tech Investors," Paul De Luca, Gray Taylor and Stephen Burns participate. Paul is a panel member for the Tax & Legal Update session and Gray is a panel member for the Hot Sectors for Investment session (which is moderated by Stephen Burns).
Securing Approvals for Mining & Exploration Projects
September 22-23, 2010
Norman Findlay spoke during the Canadian Institute's Securing Approvals for Mining & Exploration Projects Conference. He also led a Financing and Reporting pre-conference workshop. On September 23, 2010, Norman was co-speaker during the, "Securing Financing and Raising Capital to Maximize Your Mining Opportunities," session.
The Twelve-Minute Civil Litigator 2010
September 21, 2010
At the Canadian Institute's Twelve-Minute Civil Litigator 2010, Mike Eizenga presents, "Contingency Fees – How to Use Them Effectively".
LESA's New Alberta Rules of Court September 2010
September 20, 2010
Gallagher facilitates the presentation of the New Alberta Rules of Court for the
Legal Education Society of Alberta (LESA).
Litigating Commercial Disputes Conference
July 16, 2010
At Osgoode Hall's conference Litigating Commercial Disputes, Derek Bell, Michael Eizenga and Michael Paris present the paper, "Comity and Restraint: Opportunities for Cross-Border Evidence Gathering".
31st Annual Intensive Trial Advocacy Workshop
July 04, 2010
Julia Schatz and Roby Ryan Bell present at Osgoode Hall's 31st Annual Intensive Trial Advocacy Workshop (July 4-11, 2010) at 89 Chestnut Conference Centre in Toronto.