Recent Developments in Environmental Law - March 2007

March 09, 2007





Meet the Ministries

The attorney general of a provincial or federal government employs all the government lawyers in that government's service (these are truly the largest law firms in the country!). These lawyers are often assigned to a particular ministry and may even occupy space within a ministry's office, but their responsibility is to execute the Attorney General's responsibility to advise ministries about matters of law affecting those ministries and not to actually do the work of those ministries. This small, but important distinction is intended to ensure that government lawyers can focus on advising the ministry and its officials based on legal criteria, free of any political considerations.

Grant Sprague and Darin Stepaniuk are members of the Environmental Law Section of Alberta Justice. Rand Roszell, Vickie Kondo and Fran Carnerie lead the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario's Legal Services Branch serving the Ministry of the Environment. Each of these groups advise their respective ministries about environmental laws and represent their government before the courts and administrative tribunals such as the Environmental Appeals Board in Alberta and the Environmental Review Tribunal in Ontario.

Did You Know?

The largest wind turbines in North America just completed their first month of commercial operation on Prince Edward Island. PEI Energy Corporation's Eastern Kings Wind Farm features Vestas V-90, which is the largest model of wind turbine in North America.

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