In response to concerns about employee attendance and building security, some employers have chosen to implement biometric attendance systems in the workplace. These systems allow an employer to monitor employees' work hours by measuring biological characteristics like fingerprints, handprints or facial features and associating this measurement with an identified individual. As biometric systems record personal information about identifiable individuals, their use by employers is subject to the requirements of privacy legislation.
The interplay between biometric attendance systems and employee privacy has been addressed by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta (OIPC) on two occasions: Investigation Report P2008-IR-005 and Investigation Report F2008-IR-001. In both cases, the employer implemented a biometric attendance system in order to more accurately record attendance and reduce instances of "buddy punching", a practice where one employee punches the time card of another employee who is late or absent. The systems did not store images of an employee's thumb or hand print, but instead converted measurements of an employee's hand or thumb into a unique numerical identifier.
The Commissioner concluded in both cases that the collection of personal employee information was reasonable. Despite this finding, both employers were found to have breached their obligation under privacy legislation to properly notify employees of the information being collected and the manner in which collected information would be used.
The OIPC Investigation Reports are instructive, as they raise a number of important takeaway points for employers who are considering a move from the traditional timecard to a more high tech option: