John Manley in Reuters on Canada's Minority Government

October 22, 2019


John Manley comments in Reuters on the federal Liberals winning a minority government in yesterday's election, and needing the support of other parties, such as the NDP, to govern. John says:

“A minority government always makes things difficult ... the government doesn’t control parliamentary committees, they have trouble keeping their agenda moving, they may have to do things or not do things that they would otherwise be inclined to do based on needing the support of another party."

“I think a Liberal government supported by the (New Democratic Party) is likely going to lean farther left."

“It raises a series of issues about what are the demands that an NDP party would make. What’s the price of governing going to be? And I think businesses are going to be reluctant to make any moves until they get some satisfaction around that. I suspect most businesses would rather a small Liberal majority to a Liberal minority with the NDP supporting it.”

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