Most retailers and landlords will have seen the recent announcement by Loblaws wherein they stated that they were going to start selling fresh food in certain Shoppers Drug Mart locations, the perfect example of the evolution of a retailer.
In the lease context, the evolution of a retailer is not something that is necessarily a welcome phenomenon. Landlords and other tenants prefer the certainty of status quo. Evolution of a retailer's use signals potential increased competition for other tenants and also challenges the landlord's ability to lease other premises.
Getting the right tenant mix is important to both the landlord and tenant. However, this puts the landlord and tenant at odds over the use clause.
Landlords want fairly restricted use clauses to provide both certainty on the uses in the development and flexibility as the development evolves.
The tenant on the other hand wants a more expansive use clause, which permits the evolution of its brand while simultaneously protecting the brand from unnecessary competition.
Depending on the negotiating of the parties, the use clause will be negotiated to bring certainty to the landlord while providing the tenant with some flexibility to evolve and expand.
If only it were that easy. The fact of the matter is that there are many situations where the parties are initially aligned in what the use clause meant. But, when the facts and the world in general change since the initial alignment, the landlord and tenant find themselves at odds over what the use clause means.
Before finalizing a lease, both the landlord and tenant should keep the following in mind:
When it comes time to lease retail premises it's important that both landlords and tenants protect their current business and their business as it evolves. It's a delicate balancing act for both the landlord and tenant. The intent is that the relationship will be a long and profitable one for both parties. Help that relationship to continue by taking the time and effort to be thoughtful about the terms in your lease and how they will impact you not just today but tomorrow as well.