
New Funding for Proptech in Canada's 2024 Budget

April 18, 2024


Written By Natalia Iamundo

Canada's federal government is turning to property technology (Proptech) to help solve the country's housing crisis. In the just-released 2024 Budget, new funding was announced to spur the development of new housing technologies and additional steps are on the way.

The government says that housing innovation means investing in ideas and technology like prefabricated housing factories, mass timber production, panelization, 3D printing and pre-approved housing design catalogues.

We are encouraged to see that proptech is featuring so predominantly in the federal government's new home construction initiatives as an integral part of the solution to the housing affordability issue that is plaguing Canadians. 

Here is a look at the new measures.

Changing how Homes are Built in Canada

Budget 2024:

The federal government says that in the coming months, it will engage with housing, construction and building material sectors, along with labour unions, Indigenous housing experts and other relevant stakeholders, to co-develop a Canadian industrial strategy for homebuilding. The discussions will explore all essential inputs into building homes in Canada, including raw and manufactured materials, supply chains, and building techniques.

To discuss these new developments in Proptech in Canada, please contact the author.


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